Banks Lake Bass Club
9/21-22/2013 Banks Lake Results

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    Saturday Sunday  
  Angler  #
Weight #
Weight Total Weight
1 Tom Melowitz 5   6.30 4   5.82 12.12
2 Dana Ingalls 2 2.88 4.72       4.72
3 Chris Bedwell 3 2.51 3.19       3.19


We had 3 members fishing the final tournament of the year on Banks Lake.    The blast off was at 6:30 am each day.   The weigh ins were at 3:00 pm on Saturday and noon on Sunday.  They were combined with Western, who had 12 boats.  The weather was in the 50's in the mornings and 60's for the weigh in on both days.  Water temperatures were mostly in the upper  60's.  Both days saw strong winds from the southwest making it difficult to fish the main lake.   It felt like fall for the noon Sunday weigh in because of clouds, high winds and 60 degree temperatures.  It was a tough bite.  Lots of 2 year old smallies, in the quarter pound range, were caught but getting quality fish to bite was tough.  Of the 14 fish caught four were largemouth.  Tom caught all his Saturday fish on tubes.  He said he missed 3 all over 3 pounds.  They were barely lip hooked and came off before they could be landed.  There were lots of suspended fish in the 15 foot range that showed up on the electronics.  Dana said he fished the shoreline in Osborn on Saturday and had only one bite,  a  2.88 pound largemouth.  Chris fished the calm areas on the outside of Steamboat Rock and caught lot's of 2 year old smallies but he also had difficulty getting good fish to bite.  The were a few good bags weighed by Western on Saturday that were in the 10 to 12 pound range.