We had 4 members and guests fishing the third
tournament of the year on Banks Lake.
We blasted off at around 4:30 am
both days with the weigh in at 3:00
pm and noon respectively for
Saturday and Sunday. The
weather was in the 70's for the
weigh in on both days. Water
temperatures were mostly in the
high 50's and low 60's.
Saturday saw strong morning winds
diminishing by noon. Sunday
had moderate
winds. Tom and his
partner from Texas, Duncan Cox,
went to the Boulder Field on
Saturday but the wind was too strong
to fish so they headed to the Hole
in the Wall area where they caught
fish on tubes. They also
fished the
same area on Sunday where tubes were
again the bait that produced the
best. Bill fished with new
member Chris Coffey who
acquitted himself well for his first
tournament. They started at
the inflow area on Saturday where
they caught all of their fish on top
water. No largemouths were weighed in by club