Banks Lake Bass Club
9/8-9/2012 Banks Lake Results

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    Day 1 Day 2  
  Angler  #
Weight #
Weight Total Weight
1 Tom Melowitz 5 2.11 5.62 5 3.12 11.47 16.09
2 Dana Ingalls 5 1.89 6.60 0     6.60
3 Mike Swearngin 2   2.01 5   4.05 6.06
4 Greg McCulley 1 1.79 1.79 3 1.87 3.58 5.37
5 Bill Hancock 0           0

Greg with a 1.79 Smallie Tom with Two 3# Sunday Smallies Mike with 2 Saturday Smallies
Greg with 2 Sunday Smallies Mike with 2 Sunday Smallies


We had 5 members fishing the last club tournament of 2012 on Banks Lake.  The weather was warm, starting out in the low 60's and reaching the mid 80's by weigh in each day.  The water was about 4 1/2 feet below full poll with water temperatures ranging from the mid to upper 60's.  Saturday was breezy most of the morning but calming down by late morning and early afternoon.  Saturday evening saw wild thunder storms which resulted in multiple brush fires on the east side of Banks Lake that burned all day Sunday, clouded the air with heavy smoke and resulted in evacuations east of Banks Lake and the canal connecting Banks and Roosevelt.   Sunday was cloudy along with the heavy smoke from the brush fires with mid breezes that turned into heavy winds by noon.  Fishing was very slow both days.  Dana fished for largemouths on Sunday and never got a bite.  Mike and Greg caught most of their fish on lipless crank baits while Dana and Tom caught most of their fish on tubes.  Aulin Smith from the Washington Fish and Game reports that netting this year has yielded very few 2 and 3 year old fish and he believes that most of those two year classes were easy prey when the water was lowered last year.  So while there are still good fish in the lake we can expect the fishing to deteriorate over the next several years.  There just are a lot fewer little smallies in the lake.  The largemouth fishing has become tough on the lake since the water lowered 5 feet in mid August.